Granny Square A Day...
Or as long as I keep it going.
I love the idea of crocheting a granny square a day! I am working on large projects at any given time (for instance, a queen size blanket for the bed), but sometimes you just have to put it aside for awhile!
I wish I could remember the blog...forgot to bookmark it...
But it was about making a completely different granny square each day. Perfect! So, it may be February 13, which is a late start for a New Year's project, but whoever said a year must start on January1st?
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
My biggest challenge? I found a lovely pattern for a flower square. On someone's blog last Saturday, and once again (because I didn't know I was going to do this) didn't make a note of this. I apologize to you! It will not happen again! And once I find that person's blog again, I'll come back and put in the attribution.
However, several things in the pattern didn't work for me, so I altered the pattern A LOT. All of you in the crochet/blog world, do the alterations make this my own design? Just wondering.
At any rate, here are Saturday and Sunday's squares, and after a yarn shopping trip (always good to have an excuse for buying more yarn) (or beads, but I digress), I'll put up today's.
Wish I had thought of doing a blog sooner; I've made so many things that went to someone. I'd have a record of all that obsession, I mean hard work :)